
CK7 部落 . 田園趣泡湯

七天環島‧ 台北‧ 九份‧ 好客三星農場‧ 原住民文化‧ 花蓮‧ 高雄‧ 台中‧ 日月潭
7 Days Surround Island‧ Taipei‧ Chiufen‧ Haoke Sanshing Farm Experience‧ Aboriginal Culture‧ Hualine‧ Kaohsiung‧ Taichung‧ Sun Moon Lake

CK7 環島 台北九份 好客三星農場體驗 原住民文化 花蓮 高雄 台中 日月潭  

星期一出發 Departure: Every Monday

Day 1 桃園機場→ 酒店  Taoyuan Airport→ Hotel 

Hotel: 3* 台北華麗 ‧ 萬事達西門 Taipei Ferrary ‧ Wonstar XimenⅡ     Meal: ( X/ X/ X)


Day 2 台北/ 中正紀念堂/ 九份山城/ 宜蘭/ 幾米公園/ 丟丟噹飛天火車/ 羅東林業文化園區
Taipei/ National CKS Memorial Hall/ Chiufen/ Yilan/ Jimmy Park/ Diudiudang Forest/ Luodong Forestry Culture Garden

Hotel: 3.5* 宜蘭好客三星 ‧ 若輕人文 Yilan Haoke Sanshing ‧ Riversid     Meal: (B/ X/ D )

中正紀念堂: 整個建築充分顯示中國特色之美,氣勢雄偉,公園內名花異卉,小橋流水,景觀壯麗。




羅東林業文化園區:台灣的三大林場太平山、阿里山與八仙山,其中以太平山的產量最大,初期以人力伐木、集材、運材,經由蘭陽溪水流運送到宜蘭員山,後因清水湖水力發電廠的興建,無法管流運材,乃在 1924 年完成森林鐵路,山區則改以蒸氣集材、軌道及索道運材。

National CKS Memorial Hall: This memorial hall was built in memory of Chiang Kai-shek, the first president of the Republic of China. The memorial hall is white with a blue roof, representing the dominant colors in the ROC flag. A bronze statue of Chiang looks west symbolically to the Presidential Office Building and mainland China.

Jiufen: It is said that long time ago there were only nine families in Jiufen. Before the roads on land were built, all materials were transported via ships. Thus a habit was formed that nine pieces of same object were purchased at one time for reservation. Hence, the place was called Jiufen.

Jimmy Park: Jimmy Square is first theme square in Taiwan, Art from the well-known "Jimmy", Picture book "Turn Left, Trun Right" and "Starry Starry night" scene in the square to reproduce the original.

Diudiudang: Du Du Done Park is opposite to Yilan Train Station. This is a special cycads forest, the park is composed of ballads and trees. It’s a modern concept forest park.

Luodong Forestry Culture Garden: Here is a combination of forest resources and recreation, education, culture.


Day 3 宜蘭/ 希望田園-農場體驗.原住民文化/ 蘇花公路/ 花蓮/ 太魯閣國家公園/ 花東縱谷國家風景區/ 光復觀光糖廠/ 北回歸線標誌公園/ 台東/ 知本溫泉-穿泳衣.泳帽
Yilan/ Friendly Garden- Farm Experience. Aboriginal Culture/ Suhua Highway National Road/ Hualien/ Taroko National Park/ East Rift Valley/ Guangfu Sugar Factory/ Tropic of Cancer/ Taitung/ Jhihben Hot Springs- Wear swimsuit

Hotel: 3* 台東東遊季 ‧ 富野(溫泉) Taitung Toyugi ‧ Hoya (Hot Springs)      Meal: ( B/ L/ D )

希望田園: 專業人士接待解說春夏秋冬四季多元的有機農業成長文化,親身體驗農夫下鄉種田,溫室耕作栽培等,品嘗無毒耕種的農村餐食及原住民特色飲食及體驗宜蘭在地原住民族的生活文化及文創藝術。

太魯閣國家公園: 我國第4座國家公園,太魯閣峽谷是一個足以傲視全世界的地理景觀。名列台灣百岳的高山27座,美麗的瀑布,雄偉的斷崖,怡人的溫泉,種種自然資源組成了遊憩者的天堂。


北迴歸線標誌公園: 北回歸線為紀錄太陽在北半球所能直射到距離赤道最遠的位置,位在北緯23.5度。每逢夏至的那一天,太陽就直射在北回歸線上,正午時分的「立竿不見影」,更是北回歸線上的獨特天象。

Friendly Garden: We can know farmer how to work if we to do ourselves. There is no better way to understand the culture by experiencing it!

Taroko National Park: Taroko is famous for its spectacular mountains and marble canyons. Cliffs and canyons stretch along Liwu River. Four million years ago, the island of Taiwan was formed by the collision of plates. After millions of years of wind erosion, the marble rocks were exposed and cut by Liwu River, creating impressive grand canyons.


Day 4 台東/ 南迴公路/ 屏東/ 楓港/ 高雄/ 佛陀紀念館/ 駁二藝術特區/ 香蕉碼頭/ 夜市
Taitung/ South-Link Highway/ Pingtung/ Fengkang/ Kaohsiung/ Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center/ The Pier-2 Art Center/ Banana Wharf/ Night Market

Hotel: 3.5* 高雄國際星辰 ‧ 香富KHH International Citizen ‧ Golden Pacific     Meal: ( B/ L/ X)

佛陀紀念館: 興建緣起於1998年星雲大師至印度菩提伽耶傳授國際三壇大戒,西藏喇嘛「貢噶多傑仁波切」贈送佛牙舍利,並表達盼能在台灣建館供奉的心願,主館供奉佛牙舍利。


香蕉碼頭: 50年代台灣香蕉大量出口日本,高雄香蕉碼頭因大量出口香蕉而有此名稱。

Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial: The Buddha Museum was constructed with the intention of enshrining the Buddha’s relic. The Sanskrit word “sarira” refers to the relics of a sage, which usually appear in crystalized form. The relic is perceived as a sign of the sage’s spiritual cultivation over a lifetime.

The Pier-2 Art Center: It was once an abandoned and forgotten warehouse buried in history, However, with a group of persistent artist who injected waves of creativity and inspiration into the area, the Pier-2 area was released and re-born making the region a place where tourist and locals can come together to enjoy fine art. With the collision of an old area and new fine art, Pier-2 becomes an area of new vitality and liveliness.

Banana Wharf: This two-story canopied structure was built at Kaohsiung Harbor's Wharf No. 3 in 1963. The open-air design, unique among storage facilities at the port, enabled the natural ventilation required for storage of bananas. Modernization and declining banana exports eventually consigned the Banana Warehouse to the annals of history.


Day 5 高雄/ 國道風光/ 南投/ 山地特產/ 日月潭國家風景區-搭船遊湖/ 文武廟/ 茶藝館/ 台中/ 夜市
Kaohsiung/ Highway/ Nantou/ Aboriginal Product Shop/ Sun Moon Lake-Taking a boat/ Wenwu Temple/ Taiwanese tea center/ Taichung/ Night Market

Hotel: 3.5* 台中香富 ‧ 西悠 Taichung Golden Pacific ‧ CU    Meal: ( B/ L/ X)

日月潭國家風景區: 位於臺灣南投縣魚池鄉日月村,全潭面積827公頃,湖面周圍約33公里,北半部形如日輪,南半部形如月鉤,故而得名。「雙潭秋月」為臺灣八景之一。

文武廟: 位於日月潭山腰上因供奉孔子、岳飛以及關羽而得名。廟宇以金黃色為主,巍峨聳立,氣勢非凡,值得細細欣賞以及品味。

Sun Moon Lake: The Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area is praised for its five major recreational systems. Divided by Lalu Island, the Sun Moon Lake scenic area got its name from the unique terrain that looked like a sun on one side and a crescent moon on the other. Crowned as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is also the most famous source of hydroelectric power.

Wenwu Temple: The architecture of the temple has the palace style of northern China. It is a large and imposing structure.The bronze statue of a seated Confucius makes this also the only Confucius temple in Taiwan that contains an image of the sage.


Day 6 台中/ 國道風光/ 台北/ 維格烘培坊/ 忠烈祠/ 天祿藝術中心/ 台北101商圈/ 西門町
Taichung/ Highway/ Taipei/ Vigor Kobo/ Martyrs Shrine/ Handicraft Center/ Taipei 101 Shopping District/ Ximen

Hotel: 3* 桃園智選 或 台北同級 Taoyuan Holiday Inn or Taipei    Meal: ( B/ L/ X)



101商圈: 1980年代開始進行開發,現已成為臺北首要的中心商業區,台北101、臺北市政府、臺北市議會、臺北世界貿易中心等重要設施皆位於區內,且區內亦匯集眾多百貨商場、旅館、豪宅及企業總部。

西門町: 這裡集合時下年輕人的最愛,包含電影、流行服飾、精品、舶來品、刺青、美食小吃、假日常有街頭藝人表演及偶像歌手在此舉辦簽唱會…等,都讓西門町成為最夯的流行新樂園。

Martyrs Shrine: The shrine is dedicated to the 390,000 soldiers killed in the service of their country during the War of Resistance against Japan and the civil war between the Chinese Republican and communist forces. A major attraction at the shrine is the hourly ceremony for the changing of the honor guard in front of the main gate.

Ximen: It is the mecca for youth culture. From tatton street to Wannian Plaza accessory shops, cosplay to street dancing. Pop stars often come here for promotional events on weekends.


Day 7 酒店→ 桃園機場  Hotel → Taoyuan Airport              Meal: ( B/ X/ X)







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